First Impressions Stick. What’s Your Company’s?

September 6, 2023

In today’s competitive job market, organizations are constantly searching for new ways to attract, retain, and motivate top-tier talent. And when it comes to first impressions, employer branding plays a critical role in achieving these goals by influencing candidates’ perceptions of your brand.

Put yourself in a candidate’s shoes: When you’re job hunting, you’re probably going to apply to multiple companies at once. You’re looking for a company that not only has a job opening that matches your skills and experience but also aligns with your values and work style.

That’s where employer branding comes in. By presenting your company in a positive light and highlighting your culture, you’re not only attracting potential job candidates—you’re also showing them why you’re worth working for over the competition. And for many candidates, this can make all the difference when it’s time to accept a job offer.

So, what does that mean for your employer branding strategy? It’s time to tap into modern recruitment marketing techniques to build a strong first impression with your target audience. Here’s how.


Why Do First Impressions Matter?

First things first: Why are first impressions so important during the job search? When it comes to job hunting, candidates aren’t just searching for an opportunity that matches their skills and experience. They’re also looking for a company that aligns with their values, culture, and career goals.

To form first impressions and learn more about potential employers, most job candidates will research your employer brand before applying—whether that’s reading your Glassdoor reviews, scrolling through your social media channels, or even asking for feedback from past employees. According to Glassdoor, workers and job seekers research reviews and ratings of companies before applying. At the same time, nearly 80 percent of job seekers used social media in their job search in 2022.

So, why is your employer brand so important to job candidates? Above all else, it helps potential job candidates narrow down their job search to companies that align with their values. It can also help them prepare for the interview process by understanding your company culture and mission.

That said, employer branding isn’t just about the candidate’s needs. A strong employer brand can also help organizations attract and retain top talent. When done right, employer branding can improve employee engagement and satisfaction—all while creating a positive reputation that helps attract candidates and customers. So, what are you waiting for?


How to Make a Positive Impression on Candidates

Think of your employer brand as the perception that job candidates and employees have of your company. It’s what your company stands for, along with its values, culture, and reputation. It’s what sets your company apart from its competitors and attracts top talent.

So, how can you use employer branding to your advantage? Here’s how to make a positive first impression that not only attracts skilled candidates but also retains them.


1. Showcase Your Company Culture

When it comes to attracting top talent, your company culture is one of the best tools in your recruitment toolbox. A strong company culture can help you stand out from the competition and attract talented candidates who align with your organization. But how can you effectively showcase your company culture to potential job candidates?

Start by auditing your employer website and social media presence. Think about it: Most interested candidates are going to scroll through your website and social media channels to learn more about your company. As a result, you should maintain consistent branding across both platforms to accurately reflect your culture and values.

Looking for ways to upgrade your website? Consider adding a “careers” page that highlights your culture and benefits. If you’re not already on social media, be sure to leverage platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share your company culture through photos and videos. To create an authentic brand, share stories from current employees to give potential candidates a glimpse into what it’s like to work at your organization.


2. Build a Transparent Brand

It might be tempting to highlight all the positives of working for your company, but trust us: transparency matters. Building a transparent brand is essential to attracting talented candidates. As more candidates reconsider their values and career goals during the post-pandemic job search, transparent branding is a must-have to build your dream team.

So, where do you start? First, it’s essential to define what transparency means to your company. Transparency can mean different things to different people, so it’s important to let potential candidates know what it means to your organization. This way, you’ll be able to create a transparent brand that accurately reflects your company values.

A simple—but effective—way to build a transparent brand is to be open about your company’s mission and values. This includes being transparent about your company’s goals, objectives, and how your team works to achieve them. By sharing your goals and mission with candidates, you’ll help potential employees see that your company is committed to making a positive impact and that they can be a part of that impact.

Another way to build a transparent brand is to create an open channel of communication with your employees. This can be achieved through regular company-wide meetings, surveys, and feedback sessions. This shows potential job candidates that your company is committed to listening to its employees, respecting their ideas, and taking their feedback into account.


3. Share Employee Testimonials

When it comes to captivating potential job candidates, employee testimonials are a great way to differentiate your company. By posting about the experiences of current employees, you can create a positive first impression with potential job candidates—all while highlighting your employer brand, employee benefits, and company culture.

Why do employee testimonials matter during the job search? Simply put, they’re effective because they provide a unique perspective on what it’s like to work at your company. Sure, job descriptions and company websites can provide some insight into your culture and values, but employee stories offer a genuine sneak peek into day-to-day life at your company.

By sharing stories of their experiences, employees can provide a more nuanced and authentic view of your culture, work-life balance, and growth opportunities. Plus, testimonials can help candidates see themselves as part of your company. When candidates read about diverse experiences, they’ll get a better idea of how their skills might align with the role, and they can get a sense of the types of people they might be working alongside.

So, how can you effectively implement this strategy? To start, you’ll need to collect employee testimonials. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or focus groups. Make sure to gather a diverse range of perspectives, including employees at different levels, in different departments, and with different tenures. Once you’ve collected testimonials, it’s time to share them. Some options for sharing testimonials include:

  • Creating a dedicated page on your company website for testimonials
  • Sharing quotes or videos of employee interviews on social media
  • Including testimonials in job descriptions and recruitment materials


Take Control of Your Brand

At every stage of the job search, employer branding is a critical consideration for job candidates. When you cultivate a strong employer brand, you’ll take one step closer to attracting top talent. Plus, you’ll attract skilled candidates that align with your company culture, values, and mission.

When you’re ready to take the next step with employer branding, we’re here to help. Download our recruitment audit checklist and schedule a discovery call to captivate top talent with an amazing employer brand.

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